If your heart were as wise as the world is old, how would you change your life?

owl2That was the question my Qigong teacher asked after closing a beautiful group practice today.

I must admit I didn’t have an answer, but I loved the question. And a question like that is not one for a quick response. It takes reflection and a space of “no mind.” Yet I know in my busy schedule, I’ve become accustomed to relying on instant mental messaging. Those messages, whether intellectual or emotional, often arise from conditioning. And whatever form of conditioning I have, often limits my heart wisdom.

A wise heart brings to mind a colleague who mentored me through a new business venture. Tom was the one who saw that my heart wasn’t centered in the work. Although striving toward a goal that would benefit many people in the work place, I found myself pushing, struggling and willing the initiative forward. Nothing came easy. Tom’s wisdom left a lasting impression on me. He called out the change I needed to consider. “You’re not on your soul’s work,” he said. “I see the arm wrestle you’re having with yourself.” It was hard to hear. I knew he was right.

My heart was speaking; I couldn’t hear it. Tom did. My conditioning to strive and work hard to reach goals tuned out my own voice. I was living what Tom referred to as, “other people’s expectations.” I was fortunate to have Tom on my team. Not only was he an experienced serial entrepreneur who was a wizard with business models, he was also a man who learned to integrate the wisdom of his mind, heart and spirit in business. Thankfully, he coached me through a transition and helped me get back on my path.

As an entrepreneur or business leader, where are you neglecting the wisdom of your heart?

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